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    Interested in getting a quote or speaking to one of our knowledgable represtentatives? Call the number below to find out which options are best for you.

    Phone Number

    (717) 667.2121

    Company Address

    20 Water Street
    Milroy, Pennsylvania 17063

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    • Scott & Denise
      Scott and I would like to thank Dennis Goss and Lewistown Cabinet Company for a second beautiful kitchen cabinet design and installation. We were so pleased with the quality, construction, workmanship and detail that went into our first kitchen in our first house back in 1995. When we moved into our new house in 2013, our kitchen needed an upgrade and we didn’t hesitate in calling Lewistown Cabinet Company. We would also like to thank Dennis Goss with his patience and expertise in designing a beautiful kitchen. We would also like to thank Chad, the cabinet installer. He was very meticulous and precise with his workmanship. Chad was very patient with any questions and concerns during the installation process. We would highly recommend Lewistown Cabinet Company to anyone looking for their dream kitchen. Thanks again Scott and Denise Lear, Altoona, PA.
      Scott & Denise